
37 Weeks - FULL TERM

37 weeks pregnant which is technically full term! that means baby can come anytime now! My due date is not for another 3 weeks but maybe she would like to make an early arrival? Since im full term i've had a lot of people suggest i get to walking or jump on a trampoline and get this show on the road but at least for now im perfectly fine where i am she seems comfy and as much as i want to meet her.  Im not quite ready to jump start things maybe its the nerves?? :)

Baby girl should be over 19 inches long now about the length of a stalk of swiss chard and weighing somewhere between 6 1/2 lbs.

How far along? 37 weeks

Sleep: i wish i could be weightless some how when i sleep that would be amazing!

How am i feeling?: really good actually some soreness and back pain but not so bad

Total Weight Gain: 28 pounds

Food Cravings: lots and lots of water

Gender: GIRL!!

What i'm looking forward to: having everything ready! :)

Best moment this week: My husband bought us a small swimming pool for me to relax in and help with some of this heavy load we spent the whold saturday floating in the backyard im really enjoying our fun together moments.

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